When you have the unfortunate issue of a corrupt data store in Exchange 2007, and the event logs are showing, for example, event ID 1160 for source MSExchangeIS you have to rely first on good old ISINTEG.
Now, nothing new here, ISINTEG has been around for many years and versions of Exchange, but when I recently had to run it I found that the listed format for running this did not work in Exchange 2007 i.e. ISINTEG –FIX
ISINTEG is in the same place as all other versions of Exchange the \BIN folder. If you have a standard install this will be located in C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Bin .
To get this to run and fix the errors we were experiencing I did as follows;
- Open up a command prompt and navigate to the C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Bin
- Type ISINTEG -S Servername –test alltests –fix (Servername is the name of the Exchange server)
There is not a great deal of difference, but ISINTEG would not run with the –FIX switch unless in the format stated.
Of course you do not have to run all the tests as we did, you can just run those that you feel necessary.
THANK YOU!!! This doesn't seem to be very well documented. Been searching everywhere to find the solution for this.
You are very welcome, pleased it worked for you.
I cannot believe that this is not documented by Microsoft. I must have looked on 20 plus pages / sites before finding this. Thank you
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