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Thursday 25 February 2010

Delete a Service from a Windows PC/Server

Occasionally when removing software, services remain installed on the PC/Server that are no longer required. These can be removed with a simple procedure.

First you will need to make sure the service is NOT running, by checking in the "Services" console. Stop the service if it is running. Then you will need to get the "Service Name" by viewing the service's properties.

 Then all you need to do is make a simple registry edit:
  • Load Regedit from the START - RUN Command.
  • Navagate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services
  • Select the key of the service you want to remove (should be the same as the "Service Name") and delete it.
  • Click "YES" when prompted.
  • Close Regedit and check the the Service has gone.
NOTE: Remember to backup the registry key before you delete it.

There is also a utility contained within the NT Resource Kit called INSTSRV.EXE that can be used to install and remove services using the following command.

instsrv [Service Name] remove

There is also within the resource kit a utility called SRVINSTW.EXE that will also install and removes services, using a GUI wizard instead that allows you to select the service either locally or remotely.


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